2E5!!! I MISS YOU ALL><.. I realli hope we can get back together... maybe in the same class next year?Coz.. its realli saddening that we must seperate...>,I dont wanna do that...Results turn out to be quite good.. enough to be promoted to Express...But... Just dont seperate us....2E5 rock on! =]
Eng compo and paper two failed... Why?Think b'coz never practice enough bfer the exams... Keep gaming...Haish.. All myself to blame...Well... N[A] nias... Also need to live with it... Just that next time lesser income lo...Nth bad about it...Morning had a bad diarrhea... Didnt go sch... Confirm alot my bad words in sch derhs >,Well.. mayb tmrw will go back to sch xD.Seeya all =)
Lols..Got back two subjects of results...Science's result fer the paper itself is onli 66... Well cher say ok-ok..Geography's result fer the paper is 54.. but MYE's result pulled it down to 50 just pass.But haven add CA fer this two.. so quite happy..Coz add liao.. Sure get higher marks muahahas x)
Hahas.. exams sure are fast hehes..Now scared results...Well guess what.. i think i did not do very well though...Hahs.. Lets wait... x)
Shyt Shyt.. I wont pass my EOY.. Hahas. Well.. N(A) then so be it.To get to poly nid good in math.. which is impossible...gotta buck up fer EL now.. Cant fail...
Today is the briefing to parents on streaming..Nice talk except for the Principal de.. his talking.. too cheem...Now..Before the meeting(briefing)The ''horny'' gang wif their frens went to investigate the toilet near the PW..Its spooky.... If you are there... you will be damn scared.....Wanna noe more? Hahas can call me ask me^^.Takecares and nitez all x)
Miss Ho(My EL cher) gave me a stern look, i tot i did what sia...Then she say.. "What's that on your ear?"LOLS.I quickly took it out then put at pocket, hehes.Then continue the oral.It went smoothly.The passage is easy. So is the picture.BUT, i hate the conversation, she asked a very lame question..So to all 2e5 who took the EL oral today.. How's it?Hahas..Takecares and goodbye x)